Jul 15, 2022 7:42:13 AM | 7 Min Read

Frequently Asked Questions about the Kermit-Oracle Integration for Bill-Only to PO Automation

Posted By
Tim Anderson
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kermit-Oracle Integration for Bill-Only to PO Automation

What portions of my process does the Kermit-Oracle integration automate? 

Kermit automates the bill-only audit and compliance function by digitizing the paper bill sheet shortly after the case is completed. Required data elements from “clean” bill sheets, those that comply with vendor contract terms and conditions (e.g. construct pricing), are automatically passed nightly to Oracle for the creation of a purchase order. Bill sheets that have audit issues are queued for review with the vendor.  

What resources do I need to allocate from my team to accomplish this integration? 

To accomplish a Kermit integration with Oracle, three resources are typically needed from the hospital: a project manager to align resources & schedules, a procurement analyst to configure files and data, and a technical analyst to build and test file processing automation and error handling. Kermit also provides expert resources to help support the process and to lessen the burden on internal teams. The entire process takes three to four weeks to complete with the limited dedication of time from each of the resources above.  

How much time can my hospital save by automating my bill-only and purchase order process with a Kermit-Oracle integration? 

The answer is “a lot of time.” One client experienced an 83% reduction in the hours associated with bill-sheet processing while cutting down the average time from case to PO issuance from 2 to 4 weeks down to 1 day and increasing overall payment accuracy five-fold. Staff previously dedicated to manual reviews are now rededicated to supporting patient care initiatives.   

Do you have an example of a client who has integrated Kermit with Oracle? 

Yes! Inova Health, a 6-hospital health system in Northern Virginia processing more than 20,000 bill sheets a year, utilized the Kermit-Oracle integration to automate the issuance of purchase orders for bill-only cases.  

In total, Inova Health has saved $6 million working with Kermit and estimates an additional $10M to $15M as initiatives expand to other service lines.  

You can learn more about the integration at Inova Health by reading: Automation From Implant Bill Sheet to Purchase Order: How Kermit Integrated with Oracle at Inova Health to Increase Accuracy, Save Time, and Reduce Spend. 

I am currently in the process of switching to Oracle for my ERP. Should I wait to implement Kermit? 

If you are currently in the middle of implementing Oracle – or any other system – for your ERP, you do not need to wait until the ERP system is up and running. That’s because Kermit is a completely self-contained cloud-based system that requires no interfaces and no I/T involvement. Kermit saves hospitals significant time, resources, and money by automating the manual bill–only process without cutting corners on important audit and compliance functions.  

We estimate that hospitals are overpaying by 5-10% on medical devices each year due to this process.  

And if you know the average cost of many of these implants, that overpayment adds up quickly.  

Of course, we acknowledge that switching and implementing ERPs is a massive undertaking that requires a significant dedication of time and resources. That is why we designed Kermit for rapid deployment with little-to-no commitments from hospital staff.  

I am an Oracle-PeopleSoft user. Can Kermit integrate with my ERP?  

The answer is ‘yes’ - Kermit can integrate with Oracle-PeopleSoft in addition to Oracle ERP Cloud.  

I am not an Oracle user. Can Kermit integrate with my ERP? 

Yes! Kermit can integrate with all major ERP systems. 

Do I have to integrate Kermit with my ERP to use Kermit to automate my bill-only process?  

Nope! Kermit can automate the bill-only process without an ERP integration.  

Without an ERP integration, Kermit will not be able to automate the issuance of purchase orders. 

How can I learn more about the Kermit-Oracle integration? 

To learn more about the Kermit-Oracle integration, complete the form below to be sent an exclusive video presentation given by Kermit COO Jason Smith and Inova Health’s Senior Director of Procurement and SCM Strategy Andrew Talcott at the Oracle user group conference.  


Topics: Bill-Only Process, Integrations